Thought Leadership Blog

8th SA Innovation League Awards Announces Winners for 2021/2022

Press Release Subject: Leading South African Companies Awarded at the SA Innovation League Awards Vodacom wins prestigious Innovation Award Leading Innovators recognised for innovation excellence in innovation by Innocentrix, in collaboration with Milpark Business School and tt100 Date: 22 April 2022 Issued: Innocentrix – Henra Mayer Contact: Henra Mayer – Innocentrix CEO at / [...]

DEEP DIVE: Increasing innovation ROI: What you need to do first

What are the determinants of innovation ROI (Return on Investment)? Start your innovation planning on the right foot by considering the most important factors that influence your innovation programme (and other efforts) and the return on investment it delivers. This practical discussion will: Unpack the elements that influence innovation investment returns Investigate habits of [...]

DEEP DIVE: Innovation Management: Trends and future approaches

What are the most prominent trends affecting the way we manage and execute on innovation in organisations? This webinar will share the latest thinking and approaches on innovation, and what it means for the future-fit organisation. We will discuss: What are the most prominent trends in innovation management? The greatest differentiator in the way [...]

FREE: Innovation Management: Trends and future approaches

What is happening with the way we manage innovation in organisations? In this webinar we will discuss general innovation management trends and consider the future of innovation management, including changing perspectives and approaches. Our topic: What are the most prominent trends in innovation management? Register below to receive additional FREE resources and information. [...]

DEEP DIVE: Evaluating and improving innovation performance

What can you do to evaluate and improve innovation performance in your organisation? This webinar will discuss how to: Do an internal innovation audit (Receive an innovation audit template) Design and execute the innovation management review Planning and taking corrective action The ISO 56002: Innovation Management Standard: Guidance. What it means and where to [...]

FREE: Evaluating and improving innovation performance

How do you evaluate and improve innovation performance? Innovation success depends on the organisation's ability to learn and grow. Where should you start? In this free session we will unpack some important considerations when evaluating your innovation programme. We will consider: What is an internal innovation audit? The innovation management review: What to consider [...]

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