
Thought Leadership Blog

Corporate Entrepreneurship and the Power of the Employee – Part 1

By Eric van Niekerk – Research Lead, Innocentrix The innovative employee Innovation is often seen as ‘thinking outside of the box’, where a more accurate metaphor may be ‘expanding the box’. Innovations do not have to be brand-new, radical ideas that forever change the way we do business. An innovative idea may be a small [...]

Innovation Teams – what you need to know

By Eric van Niekerk, Research Lead, Innocentrix Successful innovation does not only require a strong leader, it requires a strong team. Often various teams are working on different lifecycles of the potential innovation. This spans from gathering additional insights and research, building business cases and experimenting, through to piloting and implementation. The innovation team is [...]

The Leader leading Innovation

By Eric van Niekerk, Research Lead, Innocentrix A recent investigation into innovation in the South African context showed that, amongst South Africa’s top companies, “Leadership and Ambition” is one of the greatest local, innovation-aligned strengths. According to Vodacom’s Executive Head for Innovation, Jannie van Zyl, having buy-in from company leaders is key to innovation success. [...]

Making Innovation Investment Count

By Henra Mayer & Eric van Niekerk – Innocentrix Innovation in the organisational environment will only be sustainable if it is focused on a systematic, result driven approach. A results driven approach implies an ability to measure innovation outcomes and showing impact. Many organisations kick-off an innovation programme hastily - something must be done - [...]

Investigating South Africa’s Innovation Landscape

Organisations the world over are thinking about new ways to remain relevant and ensure future success. For many, building an internal innovation capability forms an integral part of a strategy for future growth. Business trends further suggests that amongst other things, the organisation’s ability to collaborate with various stakeholders across its value chain will become [...]

The power of technology and its importance in making innovation happen

By Eric van Niekerk, Research Lead, Innocentrix The power of disruptive innovation is being embraced all over the world in response to an increasingly competitive and dynamic market place. Harnessing sustainable innovation success however, can be a challenging process. Sustainable innovation rarely happens in isolation, barring the necessity for, amongst other things, adequate resourcing, funding [...]

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