By Henra Mayer.
Innovation as a strategic competency is crucial for organisations as disruptive change becomes the new normal.
Top organisations manage for innovation success as a rule, but does this change in tough economic times?
Towards the end of 2017, a general turbulent year for global economies, Innocentrix ran a survey to better understand the innovation management behaviour of organisations when the going gets tough.
Our “Winning in Turbulent Times” study reflected the views of a hundred CEO’s, C-Suite Executives and Senior Managers (67,7 percent of our responses came from this group) and we conducted eight face-to-face interviews with experts from the Telecommunications, ICT, Manufacturing, Mining and Academic industries.
Results showed that in difficult times, organisations respond to business challenges by adopting strategies that consider anticipating disruption first, they then look to create new value from existing products and services and make sure to manage for innovation and differentiation in general.
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