It is with great excitement that Innocentrix announces the shortlist of candidates that will compete for the ultimate award of Innovation League winner in the Innovation League 2019/2020 Awards. The following companies were ranked as the top innovators in their respective categories, and will be invited for a final round of adjudication.
According to alphabetical order, the top innovators in each category are:
In the large organisations category:
- Altron HealthTech
- Altron Karabina
- City of Cape Town
- Legal Aid SA
- Vodacom
In the medium category:
- Green Worx Cleaning Solutions
- iPulse Systems
- Metro Minds
- Public Display Technologies
- Space Advisory Company (Pty) Ltd.
In the small category:
- Kirkonsult (Pty) Ltd
- Mahikeng Innovation Hub
- Niche Integrated Solutions
- RBTech
- Urban Aquaponics
In the emerging category:
- 2285 Media Entertainment
- Brave Hearts Innovations
- Independent ICT Consultant Pty Ltd
The process going forward will look as follows:
- Adjudication by an esteemed panel of judges from Dec 2019 – January 2020.
- Innovation League insights presentation to take place in the second week in March 2020, at Milpark Business School together with handover of the Innovation League Awards. This is a free event and everyone is welcome.
- The final Innovation League Report will be available for download from the Innocentrix website by end February 2020.
Congratulations to all the candidates and good luck!
The Innocentrix team