Making The Most Of Later Life

At LifeCentrix later life is not about slowing down. It is about picking up speed to reach your dreams and goals and living life to its fullest – its about zest and vibrancy!

It is about enjoying what life has to offer and making the most of each day, and not worrying about basic needs and administrative tasks.

Do you want to do later life differently?

We want to hear from you! Let us know if you need assistance in later life by clicking on the “I Need” button.

Do you want to provide quality services to a later lifer (e.g. provide home nursing services, take an elderly person for coffee, to the doctor, do their filing and paperwork, deliver a home cooked meal or take them to the theatre, or perhaps even arrange a sky dive or yoga class? Please click on the “I Can Help” button to tell us what you can do.


LifeCentrix is part of the innovation company, Innocentrix that uses research and technology to develop a Social Care Sharing platform and other digital solutions for the elderly community.

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